Dog-Safe Foods to Share on Thanksgiving

by The Family Puppy 13 nov

Dog-Safe Foods to Share on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a cherished American holiday where families and friends gather to express gratitude and enjoy a feast together. While we indulge in delicious dishes and mouthwatering desserts, it's essential to remember our furry family members – our dogs. Dogs are an integral part of our households, and their safety should be a top priority, especially during festive meals. In this blog, we'll explore dog-safe foods for Thanksgiving to ensure your four-legged companions can join in on the holiday joy without any risks to their health.


Turkey is the star of the Thanksgiving table, and it's fine to share a small portion of plain turkey meat with your dog if the turkey meat is boneless, skinless, and cooked thoroughly. Feeding your dog rich foods can cause digestive troubles or even pancreatitis, so be sure to remove any stuffing, gravy, turkey skin or excess fat before sharing with your pet. Some seasonings and ingredients, such as garlic, onion, or butter, can be toxic or too rich for dogs to ingest.

Sweet Potatoes

Plain, cooked sweet potatoes are a great snack for your pup and they make a nutritious addition to your dog's Thanksgiving plate. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber and vitamins, which can be beneficial for our four-legged friends. Just avoid adding sugar or seasonings to your pet’s portion.

Green Beans

Plain green beans are a safe and nutritious side dish for dogs. These crunchy veggies are low in calories and can be served to your pup raw, steamed, or boiled without any added salt, spices, or butter. They're also a great source of vitamins and minerals for your canine companion.


Cranberries are often a Thanksgiving staple. Both fresh and unsweetened dried cranberries are safe to feed your pup in small amounts. Avoid dried cranberries mixed with other fruits (like raisins – which are very toxic for dogs) and prepared cranberry sauce as it can be high in sugar and contain unsafe ingredients for dogs.


Plain, cooked pumpkin is a fantastic addition to your dog's Thanksgiving meal. It's rich in fiber and can aid in digestion. Plain, unsweetened pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) can also be added to their regular food or served as a small side dish.

Special Doggy Treats

Many pet stores offer a variety of safe, festive treats that can make your dog feel included in the celebration. Apple and pumpkin dog treats or turkey treats for dogs are especially popular this time of year.

Dangerous Foods to Avoid

  • Grapes and raisins
  • Onions and garlic
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts, especially macadamia nuts
  • Stuffing with ingredients like onions, garlic, or raisins
  • Alcohol
  • Artificial sweeteners (xylitol)
  • Desserts

Even when offering dog-safe foods, it's crucial to practice moderation and keep a close eye on your pet during the meal. Too much of anything can lead to an upset stomach or even more serious health issues. Make sure your guests are aware of what foods are off-limits to your dog and discourage them from feeding your pup from the table.

Including your dog in your Thanksgiving celebration is a heartwarming way to show them love and appreciation. By offering safe, dog-friendly Thanksgiving foods and being vigilant about what they consume, you can help keep your furry family member healthy and happy. This Thanksgiving, let's be grateful for our wonderful dogs and keep them safe and happy at the dinner table. From all of us here at The Family Puppy, we wish you a happy holiday!